“Sensation”, analysis of the poem by Arthur Rimbaud

In the poem, the image of a vagabond traveler who is eager for merging with nature and the world, characteristic of Rimbaud’s poetry, is created. Nature for the poet is not a symbol and a temple, but a living creature that can only be known through the senses.

With the help of nature and in it directly, the lyrical hero feels his “I”. He is restless in search, unstoppable in feelings, the internal energy of his spirit makes it possible to live and approaches the desired harmony, the symbol of which is the blue color. The dream of merging with nature evokes in the soul of the lyrical hero not only a hunch of happiness, but also a feeling of boundless love.

The poem has two parts. The first is full of verbs of the future tense, it conveys the work of the imagination of the lyrical hero, recalls already experienced, familiar to him impressions that are projected for the future. The second part, where there are more verbs of the present tense, is premonitions inspired by fantasy. The lyrical hero is allegedly transferred to an imaginary reality in which all his aspirations are fulfilled.

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